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My Hobbies

Watching Anime

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Watching anime is one of my hobbies that I enjoy the most. Well then, when did I start watching anime? I started watching anime when I was very young. One day when I was visiting my aunt, I saw one of my cousins watching ”Naruto” on his laptop. At that time I was curious and I started watching with him. After that, I've always asked my cousin to introduce more anime to me. Thats how I started watching anime and it became my hobby.


Badminton Picture

When I was young, every Sunday, my parents would always spend time to play badminton with my siblings and I. So, badminton had also become one of my family's activities. I don`t spend too much money on my racket and shuttlecocks, I like playing badminton because it is interesting and it can make me healthy. In secondary school, I usually play badminton at the badminton court. I play with my friends on Saturdays or Sundays. When we play, we don`t usually follow the actual badminton rules, most of the time we play using our own "rules".


Bicycle Picture

Every twice a month, my cousin and I would cycle together near a park. Cycling is my favourite sport that I do. Not just because it is good for our health, we also get to enjoy the natural wind while cycling. It is also a good way to improve my relationship with my cousin because while we cycle we would always chat about how our day is going and even other random things.