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About Me

Some facts about me

Welcome to my blog, my name is Jackson Hooi. I was born on 13 September 1999. I am currently studying Information Technology in Singapore Polytechnic in the school of DMIT. I am a Malaysian who came to Singapore to further my studies. The reason I chose this course is because I want to learn more about programming and coding. I actually didn’t know about programming and coding until one day, while I was watching a television show, one of the actors was doing some coding and programming, this then sparked my interest in wanting to know more about how it is done. So that is why I joined this course.

My Best Friend


The person who is standing beside me in the photo, his name is Jordan Ngu. He is my closest friend when I was in secondary school. We were classmates for 5 years since the first year of secondary school. He had also been my table partner for 5 years and we will always eat lunch and do homework together. Although he is my best friend, he is also my rival that I want to catch up to in our academics. For our last exam I still couldn't beat him. Unfortunately, we furthered our studies in different schools but I am very grateful that all these years he stayed by me and kept me accompany.